Related Records For:
Centennial Commission (1947) Centennial motion picture films 1946-1947
Reports from the Centennial Commission (1947), Series 2228, include summaries of centennial events.
Travel promotion films and audiovisual material from the Office of Tourism, Series 5544, include centennial related motion picture films such as "Lest We Forget," and works dealing with centennial sporting events, notably skiing at Snow Basin and automobile racing on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Audio recordings from the Centennial Commission (1947), Series 14154, provide narration for the motion pictures showing various centennial events.
Minutes from the Centennial Commission (1947), Series 19313, mention planning for centennial events.
Correspondence and subject files from the Centennial Commission (1947), Series 19316, include both the narrator's 71-page script describing the centennial events and a contract to produce the motion picture.
Division correspondence and subject files from the Centennial Commission (1947), Series 19317, include correspondence and planning files related to films and the narrator's script for "We Who Follow."