Related Records For:
Board of Pardons Prisoners' pardon application case files 1892-1949
Territorial executive papers from the Territorial Secretary, Series 241, consist of letters requesting pardon and accompanying documentation before 1892.
Pardons granted record books from the Secretary of State, Series 329, contain pardons that were actually granted between 189 and 1915.
Schedule of proceedings from the Board of Pardons, Series 330, has further background data on prisoners listed in the schedule.
Minutes from the Board of Pardons and Parole, Series 332, has further background data on many of the prisoners whose cases are reviewed in this series.
Criminal history case files from the Board of Pardons and Parole, Series 80134, consist of letters requesting pardon and accompanying documentation after 1948.
Correspondence from the Board of Pardons and Parole, Series 80460, has further background data about many of these same prisoners.