Related Records For:

Kanab (Utah) Planning Commission minutes 1979-[ongoing]

General plan from Kanab (Utah), Series 24208, was drafted by the planning commission and adopted by the city council as a development model.

Economic and demographic studies from Kanab (Utah), Series 24210, contains the minutes of decisions made on zoning ordinances that have directly impacted the growth and development of Kanab.

Kanab and Kane County economic development strategic plans from Kanab (Utah), Series 24973, were adopted by the city council as an appendage to the general plan and an additional model for development.

Revised ordinances from Kanab (Utah), Series 84920, include all the revised and compiled ordinances for Kanab, including zoning laws which were drafted by the planning commission.

City council minutes from Kanab (Utah), Series 84960, summarize the discussion of the city council, which works closely with the planning commission on all land use and development issues.