Related Records For:
Legislature. House of Representatives Working bills 1896-[ongoing]
Claims case files from the Board of Examiners, Series 445, contain more information on some of these same claims.
Journals from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 456, record actions taken on these same bills.
Claims registers from the Board of Examiners, Series 498, contain more information on some of these same claims.
Legislative bill files from the Governor (1977-1985 : Matheson), Series 1595, shows actions taken by the Legislature
Standing committee minutes from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 3159, record actions taken on the bills in committee.
Legislative bills from the Lieutenant Governor, Series 4076, contain those bills signed into law by the Governor, passed without his signature, or vetoed after the adjournment of the Legislature.
Bill drafting and research files from the Legislature. Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, Series 7073, are the background files whereas working bills record changes made in the legislature.
Legislative bills copies from the Division of Archives and Records Service, Series 7375, contains unofficial copies of versions of some bills.
Working bills from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 432, includes discussion of these bills.
Standing committee audio recordings from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 23013, includes discussion of these bills.
Floor debate recordings from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 23020, includes discussion of these bills.