Related Records For:

Division of Archives and Records Service Utah Code Annotated 1851-[ongoing]

Utah code unannotated from the Legislature, Series 1052, contains the current codified laws without legal or historical annotations.

Legislative bills from the Lieutenant Governor, Series 4076, contain the final versions of the bills enacted into law.

Codified ordinances from Enoch (Utah), Series 23604, contains codified state ordinances governing municipalities and is frequently referenced in this series.

Codified ordinances from Kanarraville (Utah), Series 23781, is referenced frequently in the 1986 edition of codified ordinances.

Codified ordinances from Junction (Utah), Series 23964, is referenced frequently in Junction codified ordinances.

Laws of Utah from the Legislature, Series 83155, contains the new laws passed at each session of the legislature. These same laws are compiled and codified in this series, with any laws repealed at the legislative session deleted.