AGENCY: Duchesne County School District (Utah)

SERIES: 10572
TITLE: Payroll distribution report
DATES: 1974-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by employee surname

DESCRIPTION: This monthly computer report is used to monitor program budgets. The report includes employee names, social security numbers, account numbers, current amount paid, quarter-to-date amount paid, calendar year-to-date amount and fiscal year-to-date amount paid. This report is received in paper in two sorts by employee name and by program code. The program report is only used for reference purposes and then is destroyed. Since the payroll register is arranged by location code the distribution report by employee name is the only alphabetical payroll listing and is used extensively by the office. In 1992, it began to be received on Computer Output Microfiche.


Retain for 3 year(s)




Retention and disposition for this series is proposed and has not yet been approved.


Paper: For records beginning in 1974 through 1992. Retain in Office for 3 years or until microfilmed and then destroy provided microfilm has passed inspection.

Microfilm master: For records beginning in 1974 through 1992. Retain in State Records Center for 3 years and then destroy.

Microfilm duplicate: For records beginning in 1974 through 1992. Retain in Office for 3 years and then destroy.

Computer output microfilm master: For records beginning in 1992 and continuing to the present. Retain in State Records Center for 3 years and then destroy.

Computer output microfilm duplicate: For records beginning in 1992 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office for 3 years and then destroy.



This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the district's business manager.

