AGENCY: Board of Education. Office of Education. Projects Assistance Services

SERIES: 12374
TITLE: Year-round school grant files
DATES: 1985-1991.
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by school district.

DESCRIPTION: In 1985, the Utah State Legislature created the Year-Round Schools grant program in response to rapidly rising enrollments and limited resources. During the program's existence (to 1991), appropriated funds were distributed to school districts on competitive applications under State Board of Education Rule R277-404. This funding was intended to help school districts develop and implement year-round schedules and alleviate the need for extensive construction expenditures on larger facilities.

These files include applications by school districts for grants, identifying the school district, an estimate of the grant funds necessary to complete the project, a statement of need, project objectives and activities, projected completion dates, and a budget which indicates amounts of funding to come from the grant and from the local school board; financial reports which indicate the amount of grant funds allocated, expended, encumbered, returned and on balance for the following categories:__salaries, employee benefits, purchase of professional and technical services, inservice activities, supplies and materials, equipment, evaluation costs, travel, indirect costs restricted, and totals; correspondence between Project Assistance Services and the school or district; final reports on the use of grant funds which include identification of the school district, the district's assessment of the impact of the grant, obstacles encountered, adequacy of funds, attitude shifts, need for technical assistance to complete project, and a narrative report evaluating the success of the program; and progress reports identifying the school district with similar information to the final report.




Retention and disposition for this series is proposed and has not yet been approved.


Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year after after grant has expired and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 2 years and then destroy.



These grant files have temporary administrative value.

