AGENCY: Department of Human Services. Division of Juvenile Justice Services. Office of Community Programs
SERIES: 13318
TITLE: Youth offender case files (Orem office)
DATES: 1970-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by date of release.
DESCRIPTION: These files document the history of offenders in the State of Utah for youths over 10 and under 21 years of age who have been committed or admitted to the custody of the division by the court following adjudication for a delinquent act. Information includes discharge order; information sheet; consumer information sheet; request for discharge from parole; hearing notice; youth parolee's quarterly evaluations; psychological evaluations; Utah State Industrial School admission sheet; scholastic case records; and placement agreement. This record also includes court summons; mug shots; restitution work program; case report; verification of medical eligibility; application for financial, medical, and food stamps; primary person characteristics; service activity form; authorized needs approval/one time payment; correspondence; service activity form; supply list; birth certificate; parole documentation list; social security card; birth certificate; grievance procedure for parent; visiting arrangements; juvenile court review; and medical release summary.
Retain for 23 year(s) after separation
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Youth offender case files, GRS-2520
AUTHORIZED: 12/07/2005
Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years after termination and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 21 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the agency and Utah Administrative Code R542-2-5(E) (1992), which specifies that these records be retained for at least 21 years. Also, these records have a secondary historical value to researchers interested in Utah youth corrections policies.
Private. UCA 63G-2-302 (2008)
Controlled. UCA 62-2-303 (2008)