AGENCY: District Court (Third District : Salt Lake County)
SERIES: 14157
TITLE: Miscellaneous civil and criminal file registers of actions
DATES: 1925-1977.
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological
DESCRIPTION: The registers are the official record of all actions filed with the court clerk in connection with individual cases. As documents or court actions are filed, the clerk makes a notation in the volumes which comprise this series showing the nature of each paper filed and the substance of each order of the court. The registers of action document the legal process and the administration of justice in conjunction with miscellaneous cases that do not involve a hearing and generally need only the formality of a judge's signature for approval and thus take up little judicial time. They are distinguished from series 1622, CIVIL CASE FILES (1896-present), which involves disputed cases wherein issues are more complex and proceedings more protracted. In addition to recording the filing of documents placed in case files, the county clerk used volumes 1 and 2 to note other miscellaneous information. An alphabetic list of vital statistics registrars and deputies taking the constitutional oath of office in 1921 was made on page 30 of volume 1 while a record of bounty vouchers issued by the clerk between 1944 and 1964 was maintained at the back of volumes 1 and 2.
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
Paper: Retain in Office for 9 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center until processed and then microfilm and destroy provided microfilm has passed inspection.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical Legal
This disposition is based on the 1993 records retention policy of the Judicial Council (in UCA, Utah Court Rules Annotated, Appendix F), which has remained unchanged since registers of action were designated as a permanent record by RDR 68-3, as indicated by the state Records Retention Schedule (Utah State Archives and Records Services, Department of Finance, 1974, page 11). The historical, administrative, and legal value of the miscellaneous file register of actions provide documentation about individuals, legal procedure, court history and functions, and other topics useful to legal researchers and historians. It is in the registers of actions that the court clerk records receiving the papers which are filed with his office as required by the Rules of Civil Procedure (Rule 5 [e]).
Public. UCA 63G-2-301 (1) (f) states that all judicial records are public unless a court orders the records restricted under the rules of criminal or civil procedure