AGENCY: Department of Workforce Services. Division of Housing and Community Development

SERIES: 16701
TITLE: Emergency energy assistance program application case files
DATES: 1977-1982.
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by area name

DESCRIPTION: These are case files of the federally funded program. The files document the request for services, commodities, or federal funds distributed by the department to low income individuals and families, the elderly, and the near poor to assist them in their participation in energy conservation programs, and to lessen the impact of the high cost of energy. The applications are submitted by the Community Action Agencies of local government entities. The information includes the name of the agency applying for the aid and the address, period of proposed contract, authorization, budget information, budget plans and areas of expenditures, and any changes that are subsequently made to the original contract.


Permanent. Retain for 3 year(s) after expiration of contractual agreement


Transfer to Archives.


These records are in Archives' permanent custody.

APPROVED: 03/1987


Paper: Retain in Office until contract expires and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 3 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.


Administrative Historical

45 CFR 1061.31 established the program. 45 CFR 1050.20-22 indicates a retention of three years, unless the records are involved in litigation or being audited. However, because the department is now defunct, these records will be maintained permanently for their social and historical research value. Access may be granted by the Archives following the provisions for summary data stated in UCA 63-2-85.3(3).

