AGENCY: Public Service Commission
SERIES: 16946
TITLE: Shorthand notes of public hearings
DATES: 1975-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphanumerical by utility name and hearing number.
DESCRIPTION: These are the complete records of all hearings before the Public Service Commission as recorded by the recorder under the requirements of UCA 54-7-11. This record includes the date and place of the hearing, the topic of the hearing, the individuals involved, the name of the reporter, and any order or decision of the Commission.
Retain for 3 year(s)
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 03/1987
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 2 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
According to UCA 54-7-15, a request for a rehearing of an order or decision of the Commission must be file within twenty days of the issuance of the order or decision. If the rehearing is denied, an appeal may be made to the Supreme Court within thirty days. According to the staff, when an appeal reaches the court, the transcript is forwarded to the court and remains there until the case is resolved. Therefore, a one year office retention is sufficient to allow for appeal purposes. Should a public utility fial to obey a commission order, a complaint must be filed within two years at the latest (UCA 54-7-20). Any legal purpose for the record should expire after three years. Discussion with the staff shows that the Commission has no use for the record after three years. As these notes are unintelligible to the general public, they have no long-term research value.