AGENCY: River Heights (Utah)
SERIES: 22362
TITLE: Planning and zoning commission minutes
DATES: 1970-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by year
DESCRIPTION: These are minutes of meetings and hearings held by the planning commission. "Each municipality may enact an ordinance establishing a planning commission" (UCA 10-9-201(1)(a)(1997)). A municipal planning commission shall "prepare and recommend a general plan and amendments to the general plan; recommend zoning ordinances and maps, amendments to zoning ordinances and maps; administer provisions of the zoning ordinance; recommend subdivision regulations and amendments to those regulations; recommend approval or denial of subdivision applications; advise the legislative body of matters as the legislative body directs; hear or decide any matters that the legislative body designates, including the approval or denial of, or recommendations to approve or deny, conditional use permits; exercise any other powers that are necessary to enable it to perform or function, or delegated to it by the legislative body" (UCA 10-9-204 (1997)). No formal minutes appear to be taken before 1996. However, there are letters written by commission members to city councils explaining what was done in various meting. There are several months missing or there were no meetings held. the letters are included in this records series.
Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Transfer to Archives.
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
AUTHORIZED: 03/13/2015
Paper: Retain in Office permanently after being microfilmed.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical