AGENCY: Enoch (Utah)
SERIES: 23610
TITLE: Planning Commission meeting minutes
DATES: 1980-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by meeting date.
DESCRIPTION: These records support the Planning Commission's function to act as an advisory board to the agency for land use issues (Enoch Code 12-114 (1992)). Records document all matters proposed, discussed, decided, and votes taken (Utah Code 52-4-203 (2014)). Information includes parties present, agendas, notices, and any public materials distributed as the meeting. Approved minutes of an open meeting are the official record of the meeting of a public body. Contained in or with the minutes shall be the substance of all matters proposed, discussed or decided and votes taken (Utah Code 52-4-203(2014)). This includes the agenda, notices, and any public materials distributed at the meeting.
Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Open meeting minutes & supplementary materials, GRS-1709
AUTHORIZED: 03/13/2015
Paper: Retain in Office for 10 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Computer data files: Retain in Office for 10 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Administrative Historical
These records have historical value as they document the function and work of the Planning Commission and the development of Enoch.