AGENCY: Brian Head (Utah)
SERIES: 23790
TITLE: Council minutes
DATES: 1975-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by meeting date with all relevant attachments filed after the minutes for each meeting.
DESCRIPTION: The Brian Head town council is responsible for exercising the community's legislative and executive powers (see Utah Code Unannotated, 1992, 10-3-101). At incorporation (1975) the town board consisted of a mayor and four council members who were responsible for all aspects of town management. In 1988 Brian Head officially replaced the traditional town government with the manager/council form of government. Since that date the traditional town council shares responsibilities with a town manager, who is officially included as a member of the council. Brian Head town council minutes summarize the discussion at council meetings and report on motions made and actions taken. Since incorporation, the Brian Head town council's primary objective has been to build and maintain a regional resort community which is comfortable and aesthetically attractive. In keeping with this goal, the council has been progressive about providing public services and utilities. The council has also focused on overseeing development and land use, advertising the resort, and providing recreational opportunities for guests and residents. The town council has worked closely auxiliary municipal boards and commissions and with the Utah Travel Council and Brian Head Resort, Inc.
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May Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Open meeting minutes & supplementary materials, GRS-1709
AUTHORIZED: 06/26/2001
Paper: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Administrative Fiscal Historical Legal
Brian Head town council minutes provide historical information about municipal government. Attachments provide additional information of all kinds about topics discussed by the council.
Public. UCA 52-4-7(3) (2008).