AGENCY: Brian Head (Utah)
SERIES: 23791
TITLE: Planning Commission minutes
DATES: 1977-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by meeting date with relevant attachments filed after the minutes for each meeting.
DESCRIPTION: Utah law provides each municipal government with the opportunity to appoint a planning commission to create and carry out zoning plans within the community (Utah Code Annotated, 1953, 10-9-4). The Brian Head town council created a planning commission in 1977. The five-member commission works closely with the council on all issues relating to land use and development, and in creating and revising the town's master plan. All development proposals in Brian Head must be conceptually approved by both the planning commission and the town council before developers can proceed with building details, water connection, and review by engineers and other necessary inspectors. Final proposals must be re-approved by both the planning commission and town council. The commission's primary function is evaluating development proposals. The commission provides time for public hearings on proposals and for evaluating potential conflicts of interest between board members and proposed projects. Planning commission minutes provide a summary of the planning commission's discussion as well as the names of those present.
Retain permanently
May Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Open meeting minutes & supplementary materials, GRS-1709
AUTHORIZED: 03/13/2015
Paper: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical Legal
Brian Head planning commission minutes provide historical information about building development in a resort community and about zoning laws in the same.