AGENCY: Circleville (Utah)
SERIES: 23925
TITLE: Council minutes
DATES: 1921-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological
DESCRIPTION: The Circleville town council consists of a president (mayor) and four board members who exercise the community's legislative and executive powers (see Utah Code Unannotated, 1992, 10-3-101). The board is responsible for all aspects of city management, such as appointing city officials and setting their salaries, establishing a budget, maintaining public services and utilities, and regulating activity within the city. Municipal councils are required by law to keep council minutes which summarize all matters proposed, discussed or decided at monthly and special council meetings (Utah Code Unannotated, 1992, 52-4-7). Each set of minutes includes the date and time of the meeting and names those present and absent. The minutes identify any citizens who attended and provide the substance of their statements. Some Circleville council minutes itemize bills approved for payment. The minutes provide information about the outcome of municipal elections and the appointment of town officials.
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Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Open meeting minutes & supplementary materials, GRS-1709
AUTHORIZED: 10/11/2001
Paper: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Administrative Fiscal Historical Legal
Circleville council minutes document actions and discussions of the town council, and provide a basic history of municipal government.