AGENCY: School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
SERIES: 24617
TITLE: Litigation and legal case files
DATES: 1994-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphanumerical by matter name and year.
DESCRIPTION: These records comprise litigation case files for all civil actions involving the Agency which can range from land ownership to lease disputes. Litigation documents include but are not limited to pleadings, legal research, correspondence, witness statements, maps, appraisals, environmental assessments, photos, and attorney notes.
The digital format is the record copy.
First amendment to this schedule: June 2021
Second amendment: May 2022
Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 02/2003
Paper: Retain in Office until administrative value has been met and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 50 years and then transfer to State Archives.
Computer data files: Retain in Office permanently.
Administrative Historical Legal
These records are historical because the agency is the official record keeper of land ownership, sale, purchase, exchange, transfer, or use for all lands conveyed to the state of Utah by the federal government at statehood. This land ownership and usage provides evidence of effects of governmental programs and actions on individuals, communities, and the environment.
Protected. Utah Code 63G-2-305(6),(8), and (17) (2021)