AGENCY: Department of Natural Resources. Division of Wildlife Resources. Aquatics Section
SERIES: 24965
TITLE: Colorado River fish management and research records
DATES: ca. 1995-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by year, thereunder alphabetical by subject
DESCRIPTION: These are records documenting the agency's participation in projects funded by the Upper Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program. The program works along the Colorado River system to enhance the preservation of habitat for and recovery of the Humpback Chub, Bonytail, Colorado Pikeminnow, and the Razorback Sucker. The Upper Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program is Denver based joint effort managed by the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service. Other participating agencies include the Federal Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Bureau of Land Management, the Utah Reclamation and Mitigation Conservation Commission, local water conservancy groups and the biology departments of some area universities. Program activities include monitoring the species, habitat enhancement, genetic research, stocking and hatchery propagation. Types of records included are summaries of meetings with other participating agencies, comments on draft documents from peer reviews, correspondence about meetings or field trips and work on specific projects within the program.
Permanent. Retain for 32 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 05/2003
Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 30 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical
This appraisal is based upon the value of this records series to researchers.
Protected. UCA 63G-2-305 (26)(2008).