AGENCY: Insurance Law Revision Commission
SERIES: 25135
TITLE: Administrative records
DATES: 1981-1985.
ARRANGEMENT: Arrangement is numerical by file number, and thereunder predominantly in reverse chronological order by year, month, and day.
DESCRIPTION: These records document the essential administrative and drafting functions of the Insurance Law Revision Commission (ILRC) as it recodified Title 31, Utah Insurance Code between May 1981 and February 1985. Included in this series are correspondence; personnel records; budget statements; procedural guides and frequently used forms; newsletters, press releases, and Insurance Department publications; comments solicited from interested parties; reports to the state legislature; references pertinent to specific topical issues; and miscellaneous data and notes compiled to facilitate the drafting process. The records address, in great detail, the extent of and capacity in which numerous specific individuals were involved with the project; the basic financial operations of the commission, its members and staff in their official duties; the concerns and interests of both commission members, drafters, and interested outside parties as regarded specific sections and issues of the proposed code; and pertinent local issues situated in their broader national context. The commission's administrative offices were provided, in part, by the Department of Insurance, and together with the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, they provided staff assistance to the commission during a portion of its existence. This series contains the correspondence of Michael O. Leavitt as a member of the commission prior to his election to the Governor's Office in 1993.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Open meeting minutes & supplementary materials, GRS-1709
AUTHORIZED: 08/08/2003
Paper: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Historical Legal
These records document the recodification of Title 31 Utah Insurance Code and are of primary interest to researchers interested in legislative history and intent.