AGENCY: Department of Human Services. Division of Juvenile Justice Services. Office of Community Programs
SERIES: 25993
TITLE: Youth offender case files (Davis County office)
DATES: 1980-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by date of release
DESCRIPTION: These files document the history of offenders in the State of Utah for youths between the ages of 10 and 21 years of age who have been committed or placed in the custody of the Division by the Court following adjudication for a delinquent act. Information includes youth information sheet; releases of information and liability forms; personal property inventory; temporary custody agreement; secure facility treatment plan; Interstate compact agreement; courtesy supervision information; movement sheets; court orders; notice of court hearings; subpoenas; Parole Board correspondence; Parole Board notice of hearings; letters requesting decision of reviews and revocation; rap sheets; hearing summaries and minutes; pick-up orders; incident reports; grievances; education reports; consent forms correspondence; medical and dental reports including release summary, exams, bills, and lab/x-ray reports; receipts of restitution; restitution summary reports; work orders; police reports; State Hospital reports; out of state travel; clothing requests; banking and trust account information ; visitor agreements and lists; travel permits; home visit contracts; Medicaid eligibility notices; immunization record; case manager daily activity logs; private provider activity logs; Needs Assessment and Service Plan; Service Agreement (PSC); social summary; Juvenile Court report; 90 day progress report; Private Provider monthly progress summaries; termination summary; family case forms; Title IV-E treatment plan and disposition report; SDS logs and summaries; Observation and assessment reports; individual , family, and group therapy notes; psychological evaluations; psychiatric evaluations; Medication Management Progress notes and prescriptions; substance abuse assessments; mental health evaluations; and sexual behavioral assessments and risk assessments. In addition, the Medicaid eligibility records include parent letter; youth card file; PACMIS information; wage information from parents and wage screen; data from E-find; social security information including SSA and SSI; reviews for Medicaid; proof of insurance; Medicaid cards; and financial asses declarations.
Retain for 23 year(s) after separation
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Youth offender case files, GRS-2520
AUTHORIZED: 12/05/2005
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year after termination and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 22 years and then destroy.
This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the agency.
Private. UCA 63G-2-302 (2008)
Controlled. UCA 63G-2-304 (2008)