AGENCY: School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
SERIES: 30009
TITLE: Land Development project planning records
DATES: 1995-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by project name.
DESCRIPTION: The Development Group manages approximately 1% of the lands managed by the Trust, in accordance with Utah Code 53C-1-302 (2011). These 100 tracts have higher potential surface values to the trust beneficiaries. The Development Group applies real estate development, land planning, land conservation, and legal and finance disciplines in its management of these special properties, as detailed in Utah Administrative Code R850-140 (2020). The Development Group works with the private sector, governmental groups and other interested parties on the tracts of land they manage.
The records in this series document the planning stage of the development process, prior to the development transaction. The full development process includes a planning stage, then one (or more) development transactions and supporting transactions. These records document the planning stage.
Records and information may include project planning records, copies of surveys, contracts, applications, financial documents, copies of maps and photos, purchasing transactions, RFPs (requests for proposal), and related correspondence. Records are organized by project, where a project is defined as a tract of land which will be developed as a unit throughout the development process.
Retain permanently
May Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Appraisal project records, GRS-700
AUTHORIZED: 08/31/2020
Paper copy: For records beginning in 1960 through 2022. Retain in Office until administrative value has been met and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 6 years and then destroy.
Computer data files: Retain in Office permanently.
Administrative Fiscal
Protected. Utah Code 63G-2-305(2,8,9) (2020)