AGENCY: School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration

SERIES: 30360
TITLE: Range improvement projects
DATES: 1994-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphanumerical by lease number.

DESCRIPTION: These files contain documents associated with both expired and canceled range improvement projects on lands administrated by the Trust Lands Administration in accordance with Utah Code 53C-4-201. The files may contain final and fully executed contracts, correspondence (including e-mail), application materials, director's actions, maps and/or drawings, photos, videos, accounting materials (receipts, copies of checks, etc.), bonding and insurance materials, environmental documentation, certified mail receipts and signature cards, cancellation notices, and other materials associated with the range improvement projects.

Range improvements can be non-structural and structural. Seedings are examples of non-structural range improvements. Fences or facilities such as wells or water pipelines are examples of structural improvements. These projects enhance or improve livestock grazing management, improve watershed conditions, enhance wildlife habitat, or serve similar purposes.


Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s)


Transfer to Archives.


Retention and disposition for this series is proposed and has not yet been approved.


Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 9 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.

Computer data files: Retain in Office permanently.


Administrative Fiscal Historical

These records retain their importance for documenting legal status, rights and obligations of individuals, groups, organizations, and governmental bodies despite the passage of time.

