AGENCY: Board of Education
SERIES: 30474
TITLE: Supporting Documentation for dispute resolution records
DATES: 2023-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by date dispute filed.
DESCRIPTION: Supporting Documentation for Dispute Resolution Records refer to records created during the course of a due process hearing, State complaint investigation, special education mediation, facilitated Individual Education Program, or other dispute resolution process, inquiry, communication, or other request not otherwise specified as Special Education Due Process Hearing Decisions, Special Education State Complaint Decisions, or Special Education Mediation Agreements. Such documents could include but are not limited to the following: motions filed by the parties; entries of appearance; other written requests to the hearing officer, investigator, or mediator; minute entries; orders granting or denying motions in a formal order; scheduling orders, transmittal of the record and any documents contained therein; written and/or electronic transcripts of the proceedings; emails exchanged among the parties, hearing officer, complaint investigator, mediator, and State Education Agency staff; requests for documentation and information; fulfillment of requests for documentation and information; etc. This series does not include a Special Education Due Process Hearing Decision (refer to series 30472); a Special Education State Complaint Decision (refer to series 30473); or a Special Education Mediation Agreement (refer to General Retention Schedule GRS-2302).
Retain for 3 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Customer request or complaint records, GRS-1783
AUTHORIZED: 01/31/2023
Paper: Retain in Office for 3 years and then destroy.
Computer data files: Retain in Office for 3 years and then delete.
Protected. Utah Code 63G-2-305(18)(2022)