AGENCY: District Court (Fourth District : Millard County)
SERIES: 4508
TITLE: Civil case files
DATES: 1896-
ARRANGEMENT: Numerical by case number.
DESCRIPTION: Original complaint or summons, and all legal papers filed through disposition or dismissal of civil cases, the proceedings between parties wherein rights are enforced or protected, or wrongs are prevented or redressed, which cannot legally be called criminal cases, involving real property and incidents in Millard County. Transcripts and exhibits are not included. Civil cases include petitions for divorce, suits to recover money, voluntary withdrawal or dissolution of corporations, and writs of habeas corpus. For the approximately twenty years following statehood, grand jury reports and lists, various writs, oaths of office, etc, were also assigned civil case numbers.
Retain permanently
May Transfer to Archives.
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
Paper: Retain in Office permanently or until microfilmed and then destroy provided microfilm has passed inspection.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical Legal
Disposition based on documentation about individuals, legal procedure, court history and functions. Case files have legal and administrative value to the court through dismissal or satisfaction of the final judgment. They enforce or protect private rights and prevent or redress private wrongs. The value of the judge's decrees and final judgments to parties in an action may well extend beyond their immediate administrative use.