AGENCY: Division of Human Resource Management
SERIES: 5993
TITLE: Flexible benefits claims vouchers
DATES: 1990-1998.
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by surname
DESCRIPTION: These vouchers are completed by state employees and returned to the Department of Human Resource Management for reimbursement of medical and dependent care expenses under the state's flexible benefit program. The Flexible Reimbursement Account Program (Flex$) allows public employees to use "before-tax" dollars to pay for specific out-of-pocket health care expenses. The reimbursement voucher includes the Flex$ account number, the employee's name, social security number, low organization number, home address, and signature, and the date signed. It also describes the qualified health care expenses and dependent care expenses claimed by the employee (date incurred, name of provider and identification number, and claim amount) and states the total amount of reimbursement being requested. The employee attaches the originals of appropriate bills, receipts, and checks to the voucher as proof of date the expense was incurred and proof of payment. When reimbursement is approved, the voucher is signed by an agency representative and dated. Reimbursements appear on an employee's paycheck for the pay period following the biweekly filing deadline for a claim.
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 12/1998
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 6 years and then destroy.
Fiscal Legal
This new disposition is based upon 7 year audit requirements. The prior 4 year disposition was based upon upon UCA 78-12-26(3) (1990), which holds that "an action for relief on the ground of fraud or mistake" must be filed within three years after "the discovery by the aggrieved party of the facts constituting the fraud or mistake." Mistakes in reimbursement would appear on an employee's paycheck or the income tax withholding statements mailed to the employee annually. The disposition also reflects the vouchers' fiscal value to the agency for auditing purposes.