AGENCY: Salt Lake City (Utah). Mayor. Division of Risk Management
SERIES: 6865
TITLE: Accident report files
DATES: 1980-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological
DESCRIPTION: These files are composed of two separate forms used by city employees to record the events of city vehicle accidents. One is used for photographs of the accident with brief explanations. The second is used to describe the accident. These files include photographs; accident location, date and time; employee's department and supervisor; vehicle number; name and address of driver; description of damage to city vehicle; whether seat belts were used; amount of damage; year, make, model, body style of city vehicle; license number; the same information about the other vehicle involved (if applicable) along with name of insurance company and policy number; name address and phone number of witnesses (if applicable); whom accident reported to; police case number; investigating officer; whether citation was issued; signature of driver; a clear description of what took place completed by driver; description of how accident could have been avoided; and completed diagram of how accident happened.
Retain for 5 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 11/1986
Paper: Retain in Office for 5 years and then destroy.