AGENCY: Department of Public Safety. Bureau of Criminal Identification
SERIES: 6965
TITLE: Fingerprint cards
DATES: 1966-
ARRANGEMENT: Numerical by box and card number
DESCRIPTION: These records support the agency's function to maintain pertinent information relating to persons who have been arrested or convicted of a crime (Utah Code 53-10-202(1)(c)(2015). Records contain an incident report, fingerprints, and all personal identifiers regarding individuals arrested and/or convicted of felonies or misdemeanors in Utah including all records regarding personal identification, criminal charges, court documentation, and any relevant agency reports.
These cards are the Utah arrest records of people for either felonies or misdemeanors. The information includes personal identifiers of the individual arrested (name, aliases, residence, signature of person fingerprinted and the person taking the fingerprints, sex, race, height, weight, hair color, eye color, date and place of birth, social security number, arresting agency, location and date of arrest, driver license number, offense tracking number, microfilm reel and frame number, state identification (SID) number, FBI number, occupation, possession of a firearm, scars or tattoos , arrest charges, and whether crime was a felony or misdemeanor) and fingerprints. Upon receiving the fingerprint cards from local law enforcement agencies (where they are created), the fingerprints are scanned into an electronic system used by law enforcement in the western region. Palm prints may also be included. Participating states include: Alaska, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.
The Western Identification Network (WIN) was created to share a resource called the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), which allows quick identification of fingerprints taken from a crime scene. When background checks are done against individuals being hired in specific jobs, their fingerprints are also checked against the AFIS system. This system is never considered the "official copy" of the fingerprints, but only the cards themselves.
Retain for 100 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 06/1994
Paper: Retain in Office for 100 years after being microfilmed and then destroy provided microfilm has passed inspection.
Microfilm master: Retain in Archives for 100 years and then destroy.
Computer data files: For records beginning in 1989 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office until administrative need ends and then delete.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office for 100 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the agency and by UCA 77-26-16(5) (1991), which states that "This information shall be stored in a manner so it cannot be modified, destroyed, or accessed by unauthorized agencies or individuals."__These records are useful only for the lifetime of the person arrested, and so a permanent disposition is not necessary.
Exempt. UCA 77-26-16 (1991)