AGENCY: Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Drinking Water

SERIES: 7644
TITLE: Water systems reports
DATES: 1985-

DESCRIPTION: This is a summary of information the division has collected on the state's public water systems. This information has been culled from the "Public Water System Files." It includes the following reports: A) Public Water Supply Information System: gives the report date, the water system's number, name, owner, address, location, and type; the names and telephone numbers of the manager and operator; the system's rating, the date the rating was granted, the dates of the last survey and inventory and the names of the individuals conducting them; the date the latest plan was approved; the name of the system engineer; the population served by the system; the number of residential connections and other connections; the type of other connections; whether outside use is permitted; the daily and hourly peak demands; a summary of bacteriologic tests giving the number of samples per month, the number of months with insufficient samples and with unsatisfactory results; the number storage units, the material used to build them, their total capacity, and if that capacity is adequate; the type of water treatment used, and the means for distributing the water; the sources of water, giving the type, name, yield, if a well the type and diameter, and if the source is adequately protected; the results of chemical tests; and a history of violations giving the violation date, the date the system was advised, the date the public was notified, and the type of violation.__B) Community Water System Rating List: gives the system number and name, the county where it is located, and the date the rating was assigned. C) Possible Rating Changes Based on the Bacteriologic Record for the twelve month period: gives the report date, the system name and number, the system's current rating, the date the rating was assigned, and the reason for a rating change. D) Water Systems Inspections: gives the system number, name, and county where located, the date of the last survey and the name of the individual who took the survey. E) Water Systems surveyed within a specified period: gives the report date, a list of local health department districts, the number of community and noncommunity systems in each district, the number surveyed, and the percentage of surveyed systems.__F) A list of community water systems: gives the report date, and lists water systems, contact persons, and telephone numbers by county. G) A breakdown of community water systems by population: gives the report date, the population range, the number of systems in each range, the percentage of total systems in each range, the accumulative percentages of each range, the amount of population within each range, the percent of the total population within each range, and the accumulative percentage.


Retain for 1 year(s)




Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.

APPROVED: 01/1986


Computer data files: Retain in Office for 1 year or until information is updated and then delete.

