AGENCY: Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Water Quality

SERIES: 7798
TITLE: Phase I cooperative agreement for protecting and restoring publicly owned freshwater lakes grants files
DATES: 1974-1982.
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by lake name

DESCRIPTION: These are the files of federal grants given the state under Section 314 of the Clean Water Act. This grant is awarded to allow the state to conduct a diagnostic-feasibility study to determine a lake's quality, evaluate possible solutions to existing pollution problems, and recommend a feasible program to restore or preserve the quality of the lake. These files include the name of the lake, the location of the lake (includes name of county, name of township, and the latitude and longitude of the lake), a description of the physical characteristics of the lake (includes maximum depth, mean depth, surface area, volume, and major inflows and outflows), a summary of the chemical and biological analysis of the lake, a description of the type and amount of public access to the lake, a description of any recreational uses of the lake that are impaired by pollution, a description of the local interests and fiscal resources committed to lake restoration, a description of potential restoration measures, a description of the lake watershed (includes size, land use, and general topography), the major point source pollution discharges into the lake, and an identification of the major non-point pollution sources.




Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.

APPROVED: 08/1986


Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year and then destroy.

Paper: Retain in Office for 3 years after submission of final financial status report or until information is no longer needed and then destroy.



The retention period for these records are set by 40 CFR 30.501. Although the Phase I grant is a preliminary to the Phase II grant, there is no guarantee that a Phase I grant will lead to a Phase II grant. If the later is not awarded, the record only has to be kept long enough to satisfy federal requirements; if it is awarded, the information in the Phase I grant may have administrative value beyond federal requirements.

