AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare Administration. Division of Integrated Healthcare. Office of Medicaid Operations.
SERIES: 7934
TITLE: Diagnosis code report
DATES: 1977-
ARRANGEMENT: Numerical by code number
DESCRIPTION: This is a computer output microfiche number 68035F listing the code number for medical diagnosis for use by health care providers in submitting claims and in filling out the claim form. It includes report date, the name and code number of the diagnosis, the minimum and maximum ages and sex of potential patients, and whether the diagnosis resulted from an accident, an emergency, or family planning.
Retain for 9 year(s)
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 08/1986
Computer output microfiche master: For records beginning in 1977 through 2002. Retain in Office for 2 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 7 years and then destroy.
CD-ROM: Retain in Office for 9 years and then destroy.
Computer data files: Retain in Office for 9 years and then delete.
Administrative Legal
According to discussion with the staff, they have need for only one copy and that copy's office use ends after two years. As action against fraudulent claims may be taken up to 9 years after the claim is submitted, one copy of this record should be kept for that length of time in case it is needed for reference purposes.