AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare Administration. Division of Integrated Healthcare. Office of Eligibility Policy

SERIES: 7952
TITLE: Length of stay approval docket sheets
DATES: i 1983-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological

DESCRIPTION: This record is a review of the hospital stay of a patient. It helps ensure that medicaid does not pay for a hospital stay which is actually longer than necessary. This review is mandated by the Code of Federal Regulations. Included in this record are Length of Stay Approval Docket Data Entry Form; Length of Stay Approval Form; Psychiatric Length of Stay Extension Request; and a case summary of actions taken by the reviewer. Information contained within this record includes: patient name, medicaid identification number, and age; admission and review dates; name of the attending physician; diagnoses upon admission; diagnosis updates; and discharge date. For psychiatric patients, information includes: legal status, patient's symptoms,projected discharge date, patient's history; medications administered, including dosage; date medication ensued, changed, and discontinued; non-psychiatric treatment and consultations, results of therapy provided, the patient's symptoms, a record of off-campus activities, and changes in the treatment plan for the upcoming week.


Retain for 3 year(s)




These records are in Archives' permanent custody.

APPROVED: 08/1986


Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 1 year and then destroy.


Administrative Fiscal

This record is mandated by 42 Code of Federal Regulations 456.128 and 456.131, which makes is subject to federal audit. The Denver Medicaid regional office states that the federal audit period is 3 years. Some, if not all, of this information may be in a data system. Because machine readable records have not been yet inventoried, they have not been taken into consideration for this retention.

