AGENCY: Weber County (Utah). County Recorder
SERIES: 80163
TITLE: Official records
DATES: i 1946-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological by recorded date, thereunder numerical by entry number
DESCRIPTION: The official record is a compilation of the records kept as documents registered by the county recorder. Beginning in 1946 records were registered together as well as in separate volumes. Contained in the Official Record are: Abstractor bonds, bills of sale, medical certification records, United States Military discharges, affidavits, powers of attorney, lis pendens, land agreements, redemption certificates, gas and oil leases, deeds, mortgages, mining records, water records, leases, and liens. This series also included certificates of appointments for bishops and stake presidents in the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Retain permanently
May Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule County official records, GRS-305
AUTHORIZED: 04/02/2009
Paper: For records beginning in 1940 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office permanently after being microfilmed.
Microfilm master: For records beginning in 1946 and continuing to the present. Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office permanently.
Compact disc: Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfiche master: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Microfiche duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Administrative Historical Legal
These are officially recorded public documents. There is a legal requirement for their perpetual maintenance. UCA 17-21-1.