AGENCY: Department of Health. Division of Medicaid and Health Financing. Bureau of Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
SERIES: 8067
TITLE: Administrative rule making and state plan amendments
DATES: 1973-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder numerical by rule number.
DESCRIPTION: This is a proposal by the agency to adopt a new administrative rule or change an existing rule. Many of these rules deal with changes to the state medicaid plan. These records include state plan distribution list, Transmittal and Notice of Approval of State Plan Material, Administrative Rulemaking Notice of Agency Action, memoranda of transmittal, and copies of the new State Plan pages. Information includes: Administrative Rulemaking Notice of Agency Action: the name and address of the department and division, the name and telephone number of the contact person, the title of the rule, a summary of the rule or change and the reason for it, the anticipated cost impact of the rule, the type of notice (proposed rule, change in proposed rule including the rule number, a 120 day rule, whether five year review/continuation), a justification for a 120 day rule, whether the rule is authorized by state code or required by federal mandate and the applicable citations, the means by which the public may comment on the applicable citations, the means by which the public may comment on the proposed rule (at a public hearing, by appearing at the agency, or by written comment) and the period for making their comments, the date the rule becomes effective, and the Office of Administrative Rules and agency file numbers; Transmittal and Notice of Approval of State Plan Material: form used to transmit copy of rule to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for its approval; gives the transmittal number, the name of the state, the program identification, the CMS region, the proposed effective date, the type of plan material (new state plan, amendment to be considered as new plan, or amendment), the Federal Regulation Citation involved in the change, the number of the plan section or attachment, the number of the superseded plan section or attachment, the number of the superseded plan section or attachment, the subject of the amendment, the type of governor's review (no comment, comments of governor attached, no reply received, and other) the name, title, address, and signature of the state agency official and the date signed, the date the form was received in the CMS office, approved, and the effective date of the material, the name, title, and signature of the regional official, and any remarks. Memorandum transmittal: gives the date of transmittal to the division director from the bureau director, the type of transmittal (initial notice or adoptive notice), a description of any attached documentation, and the names, initials, and dates of approval of all staff members who have seen and approved the proposed rule. Note: this file contains much duplication of records including as many as five copies of a single document.
Permanent. Retain for 10 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Program and policy development records, GRS-1717
AUTHORIZED: 02/25/2015
Paper: Retain in Office for 10 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.
Paper copy: Retain in Office until the rule is adopted and then destroy.
This disposition is based on the administrative needs of the agency to document the changes in their administrative rules. The Division of Administrative Rules maintains an official copy of all changes made to the administrative rules and maintains it permanently. Previous decision (8/1986): Until no longer needed administratively and then transfer to the State Archives.