AGENCY: Department of Health. Division of Medicaid and Health Financing. Bureau of Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
SERIES: 8069
TITLE: Utah Administrative Rules Making bulletin
DATES: 1976-
DESCRIPTION: This is a comprehensive list of all rules adopted in force and in effect for Utah State Government. This is published by the Office of Administrative Rules. It includes the name and address of the department and division, the name and telephone number of the contact person, the title of the rule, a summary of the rule or change and the reason for it, the anticipated cost impact of the rule, the type of notice (proposed rule, change in proposed rule including the rule number, a 120 day rule, or a five year review/continuation), a justification for a 120 day rule, whether the rule is authorized by state code or required by federal mandate and the applicable citations, the means by which the public may comment on the proposed rule (at a public hearing, by appearing at the agency, or by written comment) and the period for making their comments, the name and signature of the agency head or designee, the date the notice was signed, the date and time the notice was received in the Office of Administrative Rules and the name of the person receiving it, the date the rule becomes effective, and the Office of Administrative Rules and agency file numbers.
Retain for 1 year(s)
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 08/1986
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year and then destroy.
The rational for keeping these records is that they are used to research the effective date of rules for defense against legal actions. However, this information is kept in at least two other places - in the Administrative Rule Analysis Notice of Proposed Rule/Change file and in the Office of Administrative Rules.