AGENCY: Department of Public Safety. Driver License Division. Records Bureau
SERIES: 81850
TITLE: Court judgment records
DATES: 1977-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by driver surname
DESCRIPTION: These records provide a documentary account of court actions concerning Utah drivers who fail to abide by judgments rendered against them in litigation following an accident. Information includes copies of accident reports, including names, addresses, license numbers, age, sex, years of driving experience of the driver, whether or not insurance coverage was evident to the officer, description of involved cars (including make, model, color, and year), officer's account of what happened, arrests made, disposition of vehicles, damage estimates, injuries, and date, time, and location of accident; transcripts of civil proceedings, including judgments (showing names of plaintiff and defendant), judgment amount and terms, court exercising jurisdiction, and the presiding judge's signature; a notice that the driver's driving privilege has been suspended in the state in which the accident occurred for failure to adhere to the terms of the judgment (which includes driver name and date of birth, date and location of accident, court in which judgment was rendered, effective date of suspension, and terms of suspension); judgments rendered outside of Utah include a copy of the cover letter from the licensing authority in the other state indicating that a suspension has been ordered within that state for a Utah licensed driver. When a judgment is satisfied, the file will then also contain a copy of the letter sent by the Drivers License Division to inform the person that he is now eligible to reinstate his drivers license under certain conditions, such as the payment of a reinstatement fee and the provision of proof of insurance.
Retain for 8 year(s) after final action
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 12/1989
Paper: Retain in Office until judgment is satisfied and then transfer to State Records Center provided nullified judgments are weeded. Retain in State Records Center for 8 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
Utah Code 41-12a requires this division to collect this documentation and therefore the agency has established this retention due to administrative need.