AGENCY: Department of Public Safety. Driver License Division. Records Bureau
SERIES: 81994
TITLE: Drivers license correspondence files
DATES: 1970-
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by surname
DESCRIPTION: These correspondence records document various actions taken by Drivers License regarding citizens whose driving privileges are in question. Some of the information might be in regards to an individual contesting an administrative action, and some could determine medical qualifications that needed to be addressed before receiving a driver's license. The records also may include letters of suspension issued to individuals restricting their use of any automobile due to unpaid tickets or lack of insurance; notification of suspension, revocation, denial, or disqualification of an individual's driving privileges in regards to a violation or infraction; citations given to drivers operating vehicles under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs which would also include the officer's report; and any records showing that individuals have insurance.
The preceding could include types of chemical tests administered and the results; evidence obtained during search; types of medication; agency issuing citation; peace officer's signature; probable cause statement; statements of arrested person(s); Utah Code citation; name of individual; effective date of action; conditions of suspensions; legal ramifications of suspension; mental, physical and emotional health; driver's license number; signature; profile categories (various diseases); health profile definitions; profile results; hearing issues and actions; insurance company name and inclusive date; type of vehicle; and person's address.
Retain for 10 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 09/1993
Paper: Retain in Office until scanned image is stored on optical disk and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 10 years and then destroy.
Microfilm master: Retain in State Records Center for 10 years and then destroy.
Microfilm duplicate: Retain in Office for 10 years and then destroy.
Optical disks: For records beginning in 1987 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office for 10 years and then destroy.
This disposition is based upon the administrative need expressed by the agency. Previous decision: Retain for 8 years and then destroy. The change is due to the fact that drivers licenses are now valid for 5 years instead of 4 and the agency needs this information for the initial time span of the license plus one renewal period, for a total of 10 years.
Private. UCA 63G-2-302 (2008)
Controlled. UCA 63G-2-304 (2008)