AGENCY: Office of Medical Examiner

SERIES: 82080
TITLE: Correspondence file
DATES: 1973-

DESCRIPTION: This is a file of all the correspondence generated by the office. It includes correspondence and internal memoranda to other bureaus and divisions in the department, to department management, to other state agencies, to the general public, and to federal agencies.




Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.

APPROVED: 06/1987


Paper: Retain in Office for 3 months or until no longer needed and then destroy.

Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years or until no longer needed and then destroy.

Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.


Administrative Historical

Records not duplicated elsewhere that document the activities of the bureau and show its policies, procedures, organization, function, and achievements are of long-term value and should be retained. However, correspondence dealing with routine day-to-day matters should be weeded out when no longer needed. Records under "A" are: letters of transmittal that do not add any information to that contained in the transmitted material; quasi-official notices such as memoranda and other papers that do not serve as the basis of official actions, such as notices of holidays or charity and welfare fund appeals and similar papers. Records under "B" are: records that relate to the internal administration or housekeeping activities of the office; in general, these records relate to the office organization, staffing, procedures, and communications; the day-to-day administration of office personnel; supplies and office services and equipment requests and receipts; and the use of office space and utilities; also, records that are duplicates of information filed elsewhere.

