AGENCY: Labor Commission
SERIES: 82516
TITLE: Workers' compensation insurance carrier cards
DATES: 1970-
ARRANGEMENT: numerical by index number, thereunder alphabetical by name
DESCRIPTION: These cards represent the second format which Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage information was received by the state. Each company in the state of Utah is required to maintain Workers' Compensation coverage for its employees and is required to notify the Uninsured Employers' Fund of this coverage. These cards were used to keep track of this information. They are filed by index number. At one time, a project was started to microfilm the cards; about one fourth of which were actually filmed. Cards which became inactive during this time (by notification of cancellation of the policies) were moved to a different filing system, but were still referenced according to their old index numbers. In 1985 the card system was replaced by an automated system, but many companies continued to send in cards containing their Workers' Compensation Insurance information. Some of this information is not contained on the computer tapes, and thus is kept in the card format. These cards are also maintained in a separate filing system, and are filed alphabetically by the name of the company. All cards contain the name of the company, the insurance carrier through which they are covered, the policy number, and the date coverage began.
Retain for 45 year(s)
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 09/1988
Paper: Retain in Office for 15 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 30 years and then destroy.
Microfilm master: Retain in Office for 15 years after initial receipt of information and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 30 years and then destroy.
These files document insurance coverage for companies which may now be nonexistant or covered under a different name or insurance carrier. They are the only source of this information for these dates. Once they are destroyed, the insurance coverage history will be lost, and any employee returning with a job related condition will have no record of coverage. In this case, the employee must be covered out of public funds by the Uninsured Employers' Fund.