AGENCY: Department of Public Safety. Driver License Division. Records Bureau
SERIES: 8288
TITLE: Conviction and citation records
DATES: 1981-
ARRANGEMENT: Numerical by driver license numbers
DESCRIPTION: These records are maintained to have a documentary record of traffic violations by Utah licensed drivers. Included are traffic citations, court dockets, and court abstracts, which are filed together.
Citations contain case and citation numbers; name, signature, address, phone number, place and date of birth, social security number, height and weight, race sex, hair and eye color of defendant; drivers license and vehicle license numbers and states; vehicle description, including color, year, make, type, and model; charges against defendant, including state, county, or city code citation; location, date, and time of alleged offense; speed and speed limit; signature and badge number of officer; address where defendant is to appear; date of conviction; sentence, including fines and jail time, and suspension of sentences; plea/finding; severity of offense; and signature of court clerk.
Court dockets provide a detailed chronology of court action of specific traffic violation cases. The record generally contains name and address of the defendant, citation and case numbers, name of court exercising jurisdiction, date of alleged violation, fees and fines assessed, bail set or posted, and details of court actions, including issuance of arrest warrants and failure to appear/comply notices.
The abstract conviction form provides for the following information, some of which may not always be present: name, address, and date of birth of defendant; drivers license number; name, address, phone number, and county of court exercising jurisdiction; citation and case numbers; violation, plea, arraignment, trial, and judgment dates; miles over the limit; sentence, including fines, jail time, probation, community service, victim restitution, and suspensions of sentence.
Retain for 10 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Traffic citations, GRS-365
AUTHORIZED: 02/22/2012
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year or until microfilmed or scanned and then destroy.
Microfilm master: For records prior to and including 2002. Retain in State Records Center for 10 years and then destroy.
Microfilm duplicate: For records prior to and including 2002. Retain in Office for 10 years and then destroy.
Optical disks: For records beginning in 2002 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office for 10 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
This disposition is based on the administrative needs expressed by the agency. This information is collected and maintained as required by UCA 41-2-118(2) (1992), but the law does not provide a specific retention.
Private. UCA 63G-2-302 (2008)