AGENCY: Salt Lake Community College (Utah). Salt Lake Skills Center Division
SERIES: 83041
TITLE: Custom fit training files
DATES: 1980-
ARRANGEMENT: alphabetical by name of student
DESCRIPTION: When a large, specialized company moves into our area there may not be a large enough, specially trained, workforce to fill their needs. These companies can then contract with the Salt Lake Skill Center to train a work force for their specialized needs. These files are the student files of those students trained by the Skill Center for companies such as McDonald-Douglas. The forms generally kept in these folders are: goals and objectives, intake application, employment development papers, termination papers, certificate of completion and grades (if applicable), a copy of the paycheck (paid by Skill Center with money furnish by the interested company) and an employment development profile. Other money included in this project are the Job Training Partnership Act and State Critical Industries money.
Retain for 50 year(s)
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 12/1988
Paper: Retain in Office for 10 years and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 40 years and then destroy.
Administrative Fiscal
These files need to be kept for a long period of time because if a student applies for the federal money for school they must produce proof of any training given previously with federal money. When the file has been kept 10 years in the office the certificate of completion or any special certificates and transcripts (if applicable) will be removed from the files and kept for 65 years.