AGENCY: District Court (Fourth District : Millard County)

SERIES: 83326
TITLE: Naturalization record books
DATES: 1896-1906.
ARRANGEMENT: Entries are chronological. The fiche was filmed with the camera head upside down so pairs of pages appear in reverse order.

DESCRIPTION: These volumes contain documentation of the final steps of becoming a United States citizen. The first volume contains only preprinted certificates of citizenship with blanks for insertion of the date, name, country of origin, current county of residence and the judge's signature admitting the individual to citizenship. The second volume has a more expanded form. The preprinted forms consist of three affidavits (one for the applicant and two for witnesses) and a copy of a certificate of citizenship ordering the applicant's admittance as a citizen.

The applicant's affidavit gave his name, birthplace, date and place of declaration of intention, date of arrival to the United States, and sovereign. The affidavit included an oath of renunciation of allegiance to his former sovereign and a statement of his good character. The affidavits of the witnesses confirmed his statements and declared his worthiness to become a citizen. The certificate reiterated this information and ordered admittance as a citizen.

In 1906, a uniform federal naturalization law was enacted requiring that each court use volumes furnished by the federal Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.




Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.

APPROVED: 12/1988


Paper: Retain in Office for 10 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.

Microfilm master: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.

Microfilm duplicate: Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.

Microfiche master: For records beginning in 1896 through 1903. Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.

Microfiche duplicate: For records beginning in 1896 through 1903. Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.



This disposition is based on the historical value of these records. They are important for both the local historian and the genealogist.

