AGENCY: Department of Workforce Services. Unemployment Contributions Section
SERIES: 83978
TITLE: Unemployment Insurance (UI) contribution employer records
DATES: 1980-
ARRANGEMENT: Numerical by employer identification number.
DESCRIPTION: These records contain information pertaining to an employer registered with the Department for employer tax and unemployment compensation purposes. Employers in the state of Utah pay an unemployment insurance tax, or "contribution", as detailed in Utah Code 35A-4-3, and Utah Administrative Code R.994. The Department keeps a registry of employers, determines if employer accounts are subject to unemployment contributions, collects employer contributions and overpayments for unemployment benefits, and monitors employer compliance.
Records following this schedule include initial application forms, contribution rates, new hire and wage data information, correspondence, audit reports, etc. Records may also contain collection history data, payment schedules, and/or copies of notices to file property liens, satisfactions of judgements, longitudinal data, and related records.
Longitudinal data is data that is collected through a series of repeated observations of the same individuals over some extended time frame. Keeping longitudinal data helps the department and other requesters to measure change and make more informed decisions through research and reporting. Requestors may include the Department, other state and federal agencies, the Governor's Office, and the Utah State Legislature. Only aggregate data is given to outside agencies unless they have gone through the process of MOUs (Memoranda of Understanding), or matching agreements, in which case individual data elements are specified in a written agreement. Aggregate data can also be requested by colleges and universities, advocacy groups, the public and the media, each of whom work with the Department's legal office to ensure confidentiality.
Retain for 3 year(s) after final action or until administrative value met, whichever is greater
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the Records Management Committee.
APPROVED: 08/2020
Microfilm master: For records prior to and including 2018. Retain in Office until employer is no longer in business and then destroy.
Computer data files: Retain in Office for 3 years after final action or until administrative value met, whichever is greater and then delete.
Paper: For records prior to and including 2018. Retain in Office until scanned and then destroy.
Administrative Fiscal Legal
Administrative need remains as long as: data is being requested by and provided to other government agencies, matching agreements are in place, employer remains in business, UI overpayments remain unpaid, or data is being used to identify statistical information and trends.
Exempt. Utah Code 35A-4-312 (2016)