AGENCY: Division of Human Resource Management
SERIES: 85023
TITLE: Department of Human Services Developmental Center personnel files
DATES: 1980-2014.
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by employee's name
DESCRIPTION: Complete work history of individual (excluding medical/psychological information) while employed by the State. Refer to UCA 67-18-1, et seq. and DHRM standards on accessing, maintaining, and managing employee personnel files. When an employee transfers to another state agency, the official personnel file must be sent to the new agency. The file typically includes applications for employment, performance evaluations, performance plans, position description, career mobility agreements, insurance benefits notification (ADNT-1), memoranda of understanding (MOUs) employment eligibility certification records, form I-9 and other documents required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, overtime agreements where applicable. Also contains employees' social security card (copy), Notice of personnel action (DHRM 33), Human resource profile/events (DHRM 34), Termination form (DHRM 35), Employment eligibility verification form, exit interview form, new employee orientation self-guide, and retirement/deferred compensation plan notification (ADNT-2). May contain documentation on employee withholding, completion of course certificates, conflict of interest letters, incentive award results, letters of commendation, leave records, health records, leave adjustment reports, and copies of any documents affecting the employee's conduct, status, or salary. leave without pay records, employee benefits notification forms for PEHP and URS; references, copies of transcripts, training certifications or preparations, copies of items recorded in the DHRM computerized file, leave and time records; copies of any documents affecting the employee's conduct, status or salary, etc.
Retain for 65 year(s) after separation
Retention and disposition for this series is authorized by Archives general schedule Employment history records, GRS-1965
AUTHORIZED: 11/10/2008
Paper: Retain in Office for 2 years after retirement or separation of employee and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 63 years and then destroy.
Administrative Legal
This disposition is based on Utah State General Retention Schedule, Schedule 11, Item 2.
Public. UCA 63G-2-301 (2008)