AGENCY: Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
SERIES: 8552
TITLE: Accreditation evaluation
DATES: 1972-
DESCRIPTION: This evaluation was created by the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB) to provide standards and evaluation criteria by which to evaluate all aspects of the USDB. The school is currently accredited every five years by the American Conference for the Education of the Deaf (ACED) and the National Accreditation for the Blind (NAB). The report evaluates the following: the administration (board, superintendent, administrators, instructional staff, salaries, etc.); pupil and personnel services; school facilities; custodial program; food service program; school programs (language, speech, reading, auditory training, preschool, social studies, science, mathematics, art, and integration); curriculum; educational resource center; career education programs (schedules, home economics, arts and crafts, graphic arts, etc.); residential living and activities; special programs (teacher training, behavior modification, and federally supported programs); and medical services. The evaluation also includes a parental questionnaire with percentage responses regarding USDB's effectiveness in developing human relations, skills, and personal characteristics; and parental appraisal of school programs.
Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 03/1992
Paper: Retain in Office for 5 years and then transfer to State Archives.
Paper copy: Retain in Office until administrative need ends or superseded and then destroy.
Administrative Historical
This disposition is based on the primary evidential value of this evaluation tool to USDB school administrators, teachers, parents, and others.