AGENCY: Department of Natural Resources. Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining. Oil and Gas Conservation
SERIES: 8635
TITLE: Wells Records Program production/disposition reports
DATES: 1955; 1971-
ARRANGEMENT: Alphabetical by operator name, thereunder chronological
DESCRIPTION: This is a report submitted by the well operators showing the production of oil and gas each month. This information is used by the division to compile statistics. It contains the name of the operating company, the Utah account number, the report period, the well name, the American Petroleum Institute number, the location, the number of days in operation, the production volume of oil, gas, or water, the producing entity number, the producing type, the beginning inventory, the volume produced, the product disposition amount, the means of disposition, and the ending inventory.
Permanent. Retain for 8 year(s)
Transfer to Archives.
Retention and disposition for this series were specifically approved by the State Records Committee.
APPROVED: 08/1996
Paper: Retain in Office for 1 year after end of year in which they were initiated and then transfer to State Records Center provided they have been entered into database. Retain in State Records Center for 7 years and then transfer to State Archives with authority to weed.
Microfilm master: For records beginning in 1988 through 2001. Retain in State Archives permanently.
Microfilm duplicate: For records beginning in 1988 through 2001. Retain in State Archives permanently.
Computer output microfiche master: For records beginning in 1955 through 1988. Retain in State Archives permanently.
Computer output microfiche duplicate: For records beginning in 1955 through 1988. Retain in State Archives permanently with authority to weed.
Computer data files: For records beginning in 1984 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office permanently.
Computer data files: For records beginning in 1984 and continuing to the present. Retain in Office permanently.
Administrative Historical Legal
This record has long term value and should be preserved. Microfilming allows both for security and for easier public access.
Public. UCA 63G-2-301(2)(p) (2008)
Protected. UCA 63G-2-305(2) (2008)