AGENCY: Division of Human Resource Management
SERIES: 9816
TITLE: Flexible benefits salary reduction agreements
DATES: 1990-2003.
ARRANGEMENT: Chronological, thereunder alphabetical by surname
DESCRIPTION: These agreements are completed by public employees who want to participate in the Flexible Reimbursement Account Program (Flex$). They are maintained by the Department of Human Resource Management to verify employee acceptance of the terms of the agreement and to administer the program. The Flex$ program allows public employees to use "before-tax" dollars to pay for specific out-of-pocket health care expenses. The agreement is only effective for one calendar year, after which employees must complete new agreements if they choose to reenroll. The salary reduction agreement includes the plan year, employee information (name, social security number, business telephone number, department/division, low organization number, and home address), salary reduction information (monies to be withheld per pay period and placed in qualified health benefit account or qualified dependent day care account, annual withholdings per type of account, and total salary reduction), and employee's signed authorization and date.
These records are in Archives' permanent custody.
APPROVED: 09/1991
Paper: Retain in Office for 18 months and then transfer to State Records Center. Retain in State Records Center for 30 months and then destroy.
This disposition is based upon UCA 78-12-26(3) (1990), which holds that "an action for relief on the ground of fraud or mistake" must be filed within three years after "the discovery by the aggrieved party of the facts constituting the fraud or mistake." The enrollment agreement would verify active enrollment, in the event that inappropriate payroll deductions are made.