Department of Human Services. Division of Administrative Services
Available Series: | PDF Report |
20671 - Corrective action plan records*
17563 - Correspondence*
20829 - Court documents (David C. vs. Michael Leavitt: Case No. 206C)*
20828 - Informational interviews*
20831 - Monitoring Panel case concerns*
20833 - Monitoring Panel computer disks*
20678 - Monitoring Panel correspondence*
20811 - Monitoring Panel fatality review records*
20835 - Monitoring Panel report documents*
20832 - Monitoring panel meeting minutes*
20802 - Monitoring panel office draft, instrument, and policy records*
20656 - Monitoring panel periodic budget reports*
20559 - Monitoring panel reports*
20673 - Monitoring panel stakeholder interview tapes*
20657 - Monitoring panel telecommunications statistical reports*
20810 - National Center for Youth Law cases*
20830 - Reports, drafts, and documents*
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list