Department of Government Operations. Division of Finance. Financial Information Systems

Available Series:PDF Report

80472 - Accounting control recapitulation*
80539 - Activity ledger: daily postings*
80538 - Activity ledger: deletes, adds and changes list*
80490 - Appropriation ledger control totals*
80496 - Appropriations control rejects*
80517 - Appropriations exceeded report*
80497 - Appropriations/work programs warnings*
80470 - Batch balance control report*
80471 - Batch control report*
80501 - Cash receipts positing list*
80535 - Daily fund totals revenue report*
80514 - Encumbrance daily fund totals*
80513 - Encumbrance subsidiary ledger*
80500 - Expenditure posting list*
14867 - FI-NET monthly cycle Job Control List (JCL)*
14864 - FI-NET nightly cycle Job Control List (JCL)*
14868 - FINET agency monthly report*
14866 - FINET monthly cycle reports*
14865 - FINET nightly cycle reports*
80508 - General ledger positing*
80537 - General ledger suspense listing report*
80505 - Inter-departmental transfer billing*
30732 - Interface request forms
80504 - Internal services billing*
80502 - Journal entries
80495 - Purchase order register*
80503 - Purchase order/release numeric list*
80461 - Reformat control report*
80487 - Reservation ledger control totals report*
80507 - Reservation posting list*
80515 - Reservation subsidiary ledger*
80511 - Revenue subsidiary ledger activity*
80506 - Summary of journal entries affecting cash
30731 - System guides
80483 - TC72 Encumbrance adjustments generated report*
80536 - Year to date allocations exceeding ten percent or more report*

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list