Department of Health. Bureau of Health Promotion

Available Series:PDF Report

80446 - Budget background records
80369 - Budget hearing and appropriations file
80367 - Budget operation reports
1788 - Cancer screening program open patient case files
8267 - Capital inventory log
80182 - Car seat loaner monitoring report
81923 - Child health evaluation and care reminder letters mailing log
81935 - Child health status report
82176 - Clinic activity report
81921 - Correspondence file
81946 - Dental health annual budget request file
81963 - Dental health basic brushing pamphlet distribution log
81947 - Dental health contract files
81952 - Dental health correspondence file
81942 - Dental health fluoride levels in community water systems reports
81957 - Dental health fluoride mouth rinse program case files
81937 - Dental health local health district quarterly reports
81962 - Dental health neo-natal follow-up patient card file
81954 - Dental health pit and fissure sealant contact log
81955 - Dental health pit and fissure sealants program annual reports
81949 - Dental health policies and procedures manual
81938 - Dental health post treatment review case file
81950 - Dental health purchase requisitions
81958 - Dental health school fluoride mouth rinse annual report
81959 - Dental health school fluoride mouth rinse participation report
81953 - Dental health training manuals and newsletter
81951 - Dental health travel request files
81930 - Dental notification file
81940 - Dental prior authorization log
81932 - District/county error list
81926 - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment automated system
81927 - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment screening master file
81934 - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment statistical summary report
82165 - Findings from screening exam
80207 - Get fit for life flexplan credit application file
82156 - Grant application files
80189 - Health Promotion Bureau SCOPE file
80365 - Health promotion and risk information reference file
80448 - Health promotion and risk reduction bureau personnel file
80449 - Health promotion and risk reduction communications telephone charge files
8255 - Health promotion and risk reduction correspondence file
8259 - Health promotion and risk reduction executive staff meeting minutes
80178 - Health promotion and risk reduction grant applications and proposal file
8321 - Health promotion and risk reduction incoming documents log file
8312 - Health promotion and risk reduction interdepartmental transfers
80209 - Health promotion and risk reduction leave records
80364 - Health promotion and risk reduction occupant restraint grant files
80179 - Health promotion and risk reduction occupant restraint program annual report
8274 - Health promotion and risk reduction overtime approval request
8309 - Health promotion and risk reduction payroll information report
8253 - Health promotion and risk reduction policies and procedures manuals
80447 - Health promotion and risk reduction purchase requisition
8262 - Health promotion and risk reduction staff meeting minutes
80368 - Health promotion and risk reduction supervisors personnel file
8265 - Health promotion and risk reduction travel reimbursement request
80190 - Health promotion and risk reduction work load/expansion plans file
80450 - Health promotion and risk reduction work program and staff plan
80191 - Health promotion reference and information file
83432 - Healthy Utah workshop files
80201 - I quit for life flexplan credit applications file
82167 - Immunizations report summary
81914 - Individual Development Program assessment data file
81916 - Infant development program quarterly report
81915 - Infant development program referral files
81917 - Infant development program training files
82179 - Local health district budget operator report files
81922 - Local health district contracts
82153 - Maternal and child health block grant contract files
81961 - Maternal and infant health dental program log
81960 - Maternal and infant health dental treatment claims files
81936 - Medicaid dental provider case files
81912 - Migrant clinic program case files
81913 - Migrant clinic reports
81908 - Minutes
80205 - New weight for life flexplan credit application file
82169 - Outside referrals by provider speciality report
81907 - Personnel files
81904 - Policy and procedure manuals
81910 - Pre-athletic health examination and consent file
81911 - Pre-athletic interim health questionnaire
81956 - Preventive dental care project patient files
82166 - Problems identified in screenings report
81933 - Process summary reports
81919 - Professional conference and workshop files
81905 - Purchase requisitions
81931 - Report file
81928 - Screening notification file
82168 - Screenings with selected problems identified by age
22409 - Tobacco Prevention and Control Program records
81906 - Travel reimbursement requests
81929 - Treatment notification file
80185 - Utah Highway Safety Program monthly cost report
82173 - Well child conference screening file
82158 - Well child information file

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