Department of Health. Division of Medicaid and Health Financing. Bureau of Authorization and Community Based Services
Available Series: | PDF Report |
8145 - Accounting distribution of warrants
8147 - Administrative files
15142 - Administrative hearings
8125 - Advance payment program report
8170 - Alpha list
8150 - Alphabetic by client last name
8157 - Alphabetical diagnosis code
8172 - Assistance payments administration--recipient synchronization
8151 - Bi-monthly medical assistance client listing
14177 - Children's special medical needs approvals and denials
17313 - Chiropractic prior approvals
8132 - Choice of health care delivery
14077 - Client correspondence and daily log sheets
8144 - Clients on certified list without health maintenance organization
8137 - Closed provider file
8174 - Correspondence file
8108 - County expenditure summary and analysis
8131 - Credit balance report
8128 - Credit form
8158 - Diagnosis code report
8139 - Difference letters
8154 - Drug code report
8109 - Drug usage frequency report
11078 - Extended hospital stay files
8114 - Financial summary
8127 - Gross adjustment form
10487 - Home health care case files
8175 - Interim verification of medical eligibility
15307 - Judicial client hearing files
8126 - Lost check tracer file
8134 - MAO excess income computation
8161 - MMIS RCT09, RCT10, RCT32, RCT11, RCT12 reports
8165 - MMIS RCT51, RCT53, RCT55, RCT57, RCT50 reports
15314 - Mandated Federal Review provider files
8129 - Mass adjustment documents
8141 - MedUtah alphabetical certified list
8143 - MedUtah numeric deleted list
8140 - MedUtah numeric pending
8142 - MedUtah numeric reinstated list
8159 - Medicaid Management Information System RCT21, RCT30, RCT31 reports
8153 - Medicaid Management Information System operational report
8156 - Medicaid Management Information System procedure code report
8155 - Medicaid Management Information System remittance statement
8115 - Medicaid assistance financial status
14176 - Medicaid case worker work papers
22565 - Medicaid client transportation requests
22411 - Medicaid emergency services files
8138 - Medicaid information bulletins
22576 - Medicaid out of state services files
8118 - Medicaid provider manuals
8116 - Medical assistance program status
8148 - Medical claims
8152 - Medical eligibility directory
10486 - Medical supplies for home health care files
15311 - Medical supplies request
8117 - Monthly statistical report on medical care
8149 - Numeric by client identification
8121 - Numeric provider listing
8112 - Periodic screening cost analysis
19243 - Policy hearing records
8124 - Practitioner claim exception
11077 - Primary current review charts
14076 - Prior approvals
17311 - Private duty nurse files
8119 - Provider case files
8122 - Provider list by license number
8123 - Provider master file update listing
8110 - Provider participation summary
10492 - Psychiatric case files
10494 - Psychological Utilization Review Committee log and action sheets
8166 - Recipient certified list
8169 - Recipient deleted list
8136 - Recipient error list
8171 - Recipient master maintenance suspense report
8111 - Recipient participation summary
8167 - Recipient pending list
8168 - Recipient reinstated list
8164 - Recipient sequential process exception report
8160 - Recipient suspense file maintenance
8173 - Recipient suspense report
8162 - Recipient update error listing
8135 - Referral form
17312 - Specialized motorized wheelchair eligibility files
10499 - Speech therapy prior approvals
10493 - Speech therapy prior denials
10491 - Sterilization prior approvals
10501 - Surgery prior approvals
11378 - Surveillance utilization review subsystem quarterly control reports
8113 - Ten most frequently occurring claims errors
8133 - Third-party liability questionnaire
8163 - Transactions made on recipient eligibility
23242 - Transplant records
14669 - Ulcer patient bed approvals
14670 - Ulcer patient bed denials
8146 - University Medical Center professional services seeding report
10495 - Vision care denials
8130 - Warrant registers
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